Sunday 29 September 2024

Our Lord Asks Us to Take Up Our Crosses: Would You Rather Carry Someone Else's?

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus famously says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). This is one of the most profound and challenging commands given to us as Christians. 

o follow Christ, we are asked to bear our own crosses, accepting the trials and difficulties of life as part of our spiritual journey. 

But what happens when our cross feels too heavy, too painful, or too unfair? 

Have we ever found ourselves wishing we could trade it for someone else's? And what does it really mean to take up our cross in the first place?

Thursday 26 September 2024

For Me, Baking Bread Is A Form Of Prayer

Finding moments of serenity and connection with God can sometimes feel challenging. Yet, amidst the demands of daily living, there exists a simple, profound act that invites prayer and reflection for me: baking bread. 

For me, the process of kneading dough, watching it rise, and ultimately pulling a freshly baked loaf from the oven is not merely a culinary endeavour; it is a sacred ritual that brings me closer to God and to my faith.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

The Great Catholic Music App, Cleansing Music, & the Catholic Radio Station KHOY

Finding uplifting and spiritually nourishing music can be challenging, however, a few platforms stand out in delivering wholesome content that aligns with Catholic values. 

This article will explore three wonderful resources: the Great Catholic Music app, Cleansing Music, and the Catholic radio station KHOY. Each of these services offers music and programming that enriches the soul, promotes spiritual well-being, and maintains a commitment to family-friendly content.

Saturday 21 September 2024

A Prayer in My Weakness: Seeking Employment After Sixty - A Poem

A Prayer in My Weakness:
Seeking Employment After Sixty - A Poem

What Is A Prayer Rock? How Do I Make One? How Do I Use One?

In Catholic tradition, the practice of prayer is central to the spiritual life. It is a means of connecting with God, seeking guidance, expressing gratitude, and finding comfort in times of need. But for many, the challenge often lies not in the desire to pray, but in remembering to do so amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. 

This is where a "prayer rock" comes in. 

A prayer rock is a simple yet effective tool that can serve as a gentle reminder to pray. 

In this article, I'll explore what a prayer rock is, how to make one, and how to use it to enhance your prayer life.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Lighting A Furnace Under Spiritual Lukewarmness

Spiritual lukewarmness is a condition that many Christians encounter at some point in their faith journey. 

It manifests as a lack of enthusiasm, a sense of complacency, or an indifferent attitude towards one’s spiritual life. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Some of My Best Friends are Baptists: Building Bridges Through Faith

As a Catholic, I have found that some of my best friends are Baptists

This might seem surprising to some, given the historical and theological differences between our traditions. However, these friendships have taught me valuable lessons about faith, unity, and the essence of Christianity.

This article explores the beauty and challenges of Catholic-Baptist friendships, highlighting the importance of mutual respect, understanding, and the shared goal of following Christ. Through my experiences, 

I hope to encourage others to build bridges across denominational lines and appreciate the diverse expressions of Christian faith.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Prayer for Finding Employment - A Poem

Prayer for Finding Employment

I Prepared The Upper Room For Our Lord's Last Supper - A Poem

I Prepared The Upper Room
For Our Lord's Last Supper - A Poem

The Catholic Faith And... Cooking?

In the bustling kitchens of homes around the world, amidst the clatter of pots and pans and the aroma of simmering spices, lies a connection between the culinary arts and the Catholic faith that might seem surprising at first glance. 

Yet, upon closer inspection, one discovers a rich tapestry of traditions, values, and spiritual insights woven into the act of cooking. 

Friday 6 September 2024

A Prayer for Employment Amid Challenges

Heavenly Father,

I come before You today with a heart burdened by uncertainty and struggle. 

You know my needs and the desires of my soul, especially as I search for meaningful work. I trust in Your plan for my life, even when the path seems difficult and the doors feel closed.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Is Going To Mass Just Something You Tick Off Your Weekly To-Do List?

For many Catholics, attending Mass is a weekly obligation, a ritual ingrained in the fabric of their lives. Yet, it’s not uncommon for this sacred practice to become a mere item on a to-do list, something to check off rather than a deeply meaningful experience. 

If Mass feels more like a duty than a spiritual encounter, it might be time to reassess our approach and rekindle our appreciation for this profound act of worship.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Just Who Exactly Were The Apostles? Here Are The Biographies Of Those First Followers Of Our Lord.

The Apostles of Jesus Christ hold a special place in the history of Christianity. 

These twelve men were chosen by Jesus to be His closest followers and to carry His message to the world. 

Their lives were marked by profound transformation, courageous preaching, and, for many, martyrdom. 

The Apostles were not just historical figures but spiritual pillars who laid the foundation of the Christian Church. 

This article provides a biography of each of the twelve Apostles, highlighting their unique contributions to the faith.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

How Can We Live Up To The Command Our Lord Gave In Matthew 19:21?

The command given by Jesus in Matthew 19:21 is one of the most challenging in the Gospels. 

When He tells the rich young man, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me," 

Monday 12 August 2024

Unveiling Spiritual Gifts: A Catholic Exploration

Within the rich tapestry of Catholic theology lies a profound understanding of spiritual gifts—endowments bestowed by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church. 

Rooted in the teachings of Scripture and tradition, the Catholic understanding of spiritual gifts offers believers a road-map for embracing and utilizing these divine graces in service to God and others.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Has the number of Olympic athletes professing their faith in God been as a result of the blasphemous debacle of the opening ceremony?

The Paris 2024 Olympics have certainly been a spectacle, filled with moments of athletic excellence, personal triumph, and emotional displays of faith. 

However, one cannot ignore the controversy that surrounded the opening ceremony, which many deemed to be blasphemous. 

The mix of secular and religious imagery, combined with performances from pop icons like Lady Gaga and Celine Dion, left a sour taste for those who felt the ceremony strayed too far from what the Olympics should represent.

In the wake of this "blasphemous debacle," as some might call it, there has been a noticeable increase in athletes professing their faith in God during the games.