Tuesday, 17 September 2024

O Heavenly Father, I'm desperate as I come to You - A Poem

 O Heavenly Father,
I'm desperate as I come to You

O Lord, I'm, desperate as I come to You,
With heart grown heavy, my path unclear, too.
At sixty years, I face this pain,
Redundant now, I seek in vain.

The doors are closed, the silence loud,
I walk this road with head unbowed.
But doubt creeps in, and hope feels far,
As once again, I search, I spar.

The years I gave, the toil, the care,
Now seem to vanish in the air.
O Father, in this time of need,
I pray for strength, a chance, a lead.

The world has changed, I feel displaced,
But in Your love, I’m not erased.
You know my worth, my hands, my heart,
And from Your grace, I’ll not depart.

Though faith feels fragile, and hope is thin,
You are my strength, my peace within.
O Lord, restore what’s lost, what’s gone,
And guide me through to face the dawn.

For in Your time, You’ll make a way,
Through every night, to brighter day.
With faith renewed, I seek Your will,
And trust Your hand to lead me still.


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Thank You.