Saturday, 21 September 2024

A Prayer in My Weakness: Seeking Employment After Sixty - A Poem

A Prayer in My Weakness:
Seeking Employment After Sixty - A Poem
O Lord, in faith I come to Thee,
Though weak and worn, I bend my knee.
At sixty odd years, I face despair,
In search of work, I turn to prayer.

The years have passed, my strength is low,
And doors I seek refuse to show.
I fear the path that lies ahead,
Redundant with doubt and worry, filled with dread.

But still, O Lord, I trust Thy grace,
Though time has etched lines on my face.
In every trial, You’ve been near,
So now I cast on You my fear.

O Father, guide me through this test,
And grant me peace, a place to rest.
Though age may seem to dim my worth,
In Your great plan, I find new birth.

Provide the work my hands can do,
And help me serve in ways that’s true.
Let not my heart be ruled by fear,
But trust in You, who’s always near.

For every season You ordain,
In joy, in loss, in hope, in pain.
O Lord, restore my faith anew,
And in my weakness, I find You.


© 2025 -
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Thank You.