Wednesday 18 September 2024

Lighting A Furnace Under Spiritual Lukewarmness

Spiritual lukewarmness is a condition that many Christians encounter at some point in their faith journey. 

It manifests as a lack of enthusiasm, a sense of complacency, or an indifferent attitude towards one’s spiritual life. 

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus addresses the church in Laodicea with a stern warning: “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). 

This powerful image underscores the seriousness with which we should approach spiritual lukewarmness. But how can we reignite our fervour and deepen our relationship with God? 

Here are some practical steps to light a furnace under spiritual lukewarmness.

Recognise the Signs of Lukewarmness

The first step in addressing spiritual lukewarmness is recognising its signs. These may include:

Inconsistent Prayer Life: Irregular or perfunctory prayers, lacking depth and sincerity.

Neglect of the Sacraments: Rarely attending Mass or receiving the sacraments, and doing so without genuine reverence.

Lack of Spiritual Growth: Little to no effort in reading Scripture, spiritual books, or engaging in faith-based activities.

Indifference to Sin: A casual attitude towards personal sin and a lack of contrition or desire for repentance.

Absence of Passion: A general sense of apathy towards God, Church teachings, and religious practices.

Renew Your Commitment to Prayer

Prayer is the lifeline of our spiritual life. To combat lukewarmness, it’s crucial to renew your commitment to a regular and heartfelt prayer life. Here are some ways to enrich your prayer routine:

Set a Schedule: Dedicate specific times each day for prayer, treating these moments as non-negotiable appointments with God.

Diverse Forms of Prayer: Incorporate various forms of prayer, such as the Rosary, Lectio Divina, and the Liturgy of the Hours, to keep your prayer life dynamic and engaging.

Silent Meditation: Spend time in silent meditation, listening for God’s voice and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

Pray with Scripture: Engage with Scripture through prayer, allowing the Word of God to inspire and guide you.

Embrace the Sacraments

The sacraments are powerful means of grace that can reignite our spiritual fervour. Regular participation in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation, is essential.

Frequent Mass Attendance: Strive to attend Mass more frequently, not just on Sundays but also on weekdays if possible. 

The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, and frequent reception can nourish our soul and strengthen our bond with Christ.

Confession: Regular confession helps us confront our sins, seek forgiveness, and receive the grace needed to overcome spiritual lethargy. Aim to go to confession at least once a month.

Deepen Your Understanding of the Faith

Sometimes, spiritual lukewarmness arises from a lack of understanding or engagement with the rich teachings of the Church. Deepening your knowledge can reignite your passion for the faith.

Study Scripture: Regularly read and study the Bible. Consider joining a Bible study group to gain deeper insights and share perspectives with others.

Read Spiritual Books: Explore the writings of the saints, Church Fathers, and contemporary Catholic authors. These works can provide inspiration and guidance.

Catechesis: Engage in catechetical courses or online resources to better understand Church teachings and doctrines.

Engage in Community Life

Isolation can contribute to spiritual lukewarmness. Being part of a faith community provides support, encouragement, and accountability.

Join Parish Activities: Get involved in your parish through various ministries, such as volunteering, choir, or prayer groups.

Spiritual Friendships: Cultivate friendships with fellow Catholics who share your desire for spiritual growth. These relationships can provide mutual support and inspiration.

Retreats and Pilgrimages: Participate in retreats or pilgrimages to break away from routine and focus on your spiritual life.

Serve Others

Service is a powerful antidote to spiritual lukewarmness. By serving others, we live out the Gospel and encounter Christ in those we help.

Charitable Works: Volunteer at local charities, food banks, or shelters. Acts of service can reignite your passion for living out your faith.

Parish Ministries: Offer your time and talents to your parish community. Whether it’s helping with religious education, youth ministry, or outreach programmes, your involvement can make a significant impact.

Random Acts of Kindness: Look for daily opportunities to perform acts of kindness, demonstrating Christ’s love in practical ways.

Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

A grateful heart can dispel lukewarmness by focusing on the blessings and grace received from God.

Daily Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal, noting down things you are thankful for each day.

Thanksgiving Prayer: Incorporate prayers of thanksgiving into your daily routine, expressing gratitude for God’s love, mercy, and providence.

Eucharistic Adoration: Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, contemplating the immense gift of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist and offering thanks.

Seek Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual direction can provide personalised guidance and support in overcoming spiritual lukewarmness.

Find a Spiritual Director: Seek out a priest, religious, or trained layperson who can offer spiritual direction.

Regular Meetings: Schedule regular meetings to discuss your spiritual journey, struggles, and progress.

Persevere in Faith

Overcoming spiritual lukewarmness is a journey that requires perseverance and dedication.

Stay Committed: Even when you don’t feel spiritually fervent, remain committed to your prayer, sacramental life, and acts of service.

Trust in God’s Grace: Remember that spiritual growth is ultimately a work of God’s grace. Trust in His love and His desire for your sanctification.

Celebrate Small Victories: Recognise and celebrate small steps and victories in your spiritual journey, acknowledging God’s work in your life.


Spiritual lukewarmness can affect any believer, but it is not insurmountable. 

By recognising the signs, renewing your commitment to prayer, embracing the sacraments, deepening your understanding of the faith, engaging in community life, serving others, cultivating gratitude, seeking spiritual guidance, and persevering in faith, you can light a furnace under your spiritual life. 

Remember, God desires a vibrant, passionate relationship with you. 

By taking these steps, you can reignite your fervour and deepen your connection with Him, transforming your spiritual life from lukewarm to ablaze with love and devotion.