Saturday 21 September 2024

What Is A Prayer Rock? How Do I Make One? How Do I Use One?

In Catholic tradition, the practice of prayer is central to the spiritual life. It is a means of connecting with God, seeking guidance, expressing gratitude, and finding comfort in times of need. But for many, the challenge often lies not in the desire to pray, but in remembering to do so amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. 

This is where a "prayer rock" comes in. 

A prayer rock is a simple yet effective tool that can serve as a gentle reminder to pray. 

In this article, I'll explore what a prayer rock is, how to make one, and how to use it to enhance your prayer life.

What Is A Prayer Rock?

A prayer rock is exactly what it sounds like: a rock used as a tool for prayer. It is a small, hand-sized stone that is placed in a location where it will frequently be seen or felt, such as under a pillow, on a nightstand, or in a pocket. The purpose of a prayer rock is to serve as a physical reminder to pray.

The idea is that when you encounter the rock, either by sight or touch, you are reminded to take a moment for prayer. This can be especially helpful for those who want to establish a habit of prayer but find it difficult to remember amidst their daily routines. 

The simplicity of a prayer rock makes it an accessible tool for people of all ages, including children, who may find it a fun and engaging way to learn about the importance of prayer in their lives.

The Origins of the Prayer Rock

The concept of a prayer rock is not directly mentioned in Catholic doctrine, but it aligns with the tradition of using physical objects to enhance spiritual practices. 

Catholics have long used rosary beads, scapulars, and other sacramentals to remind them of their faith and to bring them closer to God. A prayer rock serves a similar function, acting as a tangible cue to pause and focus on one's spiritual life.

The use of stones in a religious context also has biblical roots. In the Old Testament, stones were often used as memorials to commemorate significant events or divine encounters. For instance, in the book of Joshua, the Israelites set up stones as a memorial after crossing the Jordan River (Joshua 4:1-9). In this sense, a prayer rock can also be seen as a small, personal memorial—a reminder of one's ongoing relationship with God and the importance of maintaining that connection through prayer.

How Do I Make A Prayer Rock?

Creating a prayer rock is a simple and meaningful activity that can be done alone, with family, or as part of a group. 

Here are the steps to make your own prayer rock:

1. Select a Rock

The first step is to choose a rock that feels comfortable to hold in your hand. It should be small enough to carry with you or
place under your pillow, but large enough to be noticed. 

You can find rocks in your garden, on a nature walk, or purchase decorative stones from a craft store. 

Choose a rock that speaks to you—one that has a shape, colour, or texture that you find appealing or comforting.

2. Clean the Rock

Once you have selected your rock, it's a good idea to clean it. Simply wash it with water and soap to remove any dirt or debris. This step is symbolic as well, representing a fresh start or a clean slate as you prepare to embark on a renewed commitment to prayer.

3. Decorate the Rock (Optional)

This step is optional, but decorating your prayer rock can make it more personal and meaningful. 

You can paint it with religious symbols such as a cross, a dove, or a fish. You might also write a Bible verse, a word like "pray," or a personal intention on the rock. 

Use acrylic paints, permanent markers, or even decoupage techniques to adorn your rock. 

This creative process can be a prayerful activity in itself, as you reflect on the design and its significance to your faith.

4. Bless the Rock

Although not necessary, you may wish to have your prayer rock blessed by a priest. This can add a special significance to the rock, reinforcing its purpose as a sacred reminder of your commitment to prayer. 

If a priest is not available, you can also say a simple prayer over the rock, asking God to bless it as a tool to help you grow closer to Him.

How Do I Use A Prayer Rock?

Using a prayer rock is simple and can be tailored to fit your personal needs and routine. 

Here are a few suggestions on how to incorporate a prayer rock into your daily life:

1. Place It Under Your Pillow

One of the most common ways to use a prayer rock is to place it under your pillow before you go to bed. The idea is that when you lay down to sleep and feel the rock, it will remind you to say your evening prayers. 

In the morning, when you wake up and find the rock again, it will prompt you to start your day with a prayer. This creates a natural rhythm of prayer in the evening and morning, helping to bookend your day with moments of reflection and connection with God.

2. Keep It in Your Pocket or Bag

Another option is to carry the prayer rock with you throughout the day. Placing it in your pocket, purse, or bag ensures that you will come across it several times during the day. Each time you feel or see the rock, take a moment to say a quick prayer or offer up a thought of gratitude. 

This can be particularly helpful for those with busy schedules who want to incorporate more moments of prayer into their day.

3. Use It as a Family Activity

A prayer rock can also be a wonderful tool for family prayer time. Each family member can have their own prayer rock, or the family can use a communal one. 

At the end of the day, gather together and pass around the rock, allowing each person to say a prayer or share a reflection. This can help foster a sense of community and shared faith within the family.

4. Set It on a Nightstand or Desk

If you prefer, you can place the prayer rock on your nightstand, desk, or another prominent place where you will see it often. Each time you see the rock, let it serve as a gentle reminder to pause and connect with God, even if just for a brief moment.

Prayer Rock Poem Version 1

I’m just a little prayer rock,
And this is what I’ll do:
Put me on your pillow,
Until the day is through.
Then turn back the covers,
Climb into bed with care,
And you will find your prayer rock sitting right there.
You will then remember
To fold your hands in prayer.
Ask that God will bless you,
And keep you in God’s care.

– Author Unknown

Prayer Rock Poem Version 2

I’m your little prayer rock.
I’ll sit upon your bed.
It’s my job to remind you
When your prayers should be said.
When you put me on your pillow
As you make your bed each day.
Remember when you hold me
To take the time to pray.
Then when you go to bed at night
And put me on the floor,
Remember to take the time to kneel
And say your prayers once more.

– Author Unknown  


A prayer rock is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you establish and maintain a consistent prayer practice. By serving as a tangible reminder, it encourages you to take moments throughout your day to pray, reflect, and connect with God. 

Whether placed under a pillow, carried in a pocket, or set on a nightstand, a prayer rock can become a cherished part of your spiritual routine. 

By making your own prayer rock and using it regularly, you can cultivate a deeper, more intentional prayer life, enriching your relationship with God and strengthening your faith.