Saturday, 10 August 2024

When All the Bombs Have Been Dropped and All the Bullets Fired... - A Poem

When All the Bombs Have Been Dropped
and All the Bullets Fired... - A Poem
When all the bombs have been dropped and all the bullets fired,
When fields of battle lie barren, of all their rage expired,
When silence falls like a gentle shroud upon the earth,
Will we then seek the truth of love, of mercy, and rebirth?

When all the flags have been torn and all the nations mourn,
When every tear has traced its path, through grief that’s deeply worn,
When hands that once clenched in anger, now open, free of hate,
Will we embrace each other then, before it is too late?

When all the walls have crumbled and all the borders fade,
When echoes of our bitter wars in memory begin to wade,
When we’ve laid down our weapons, and turned swords into ploughshares,
Will we then plant seeds of peace, and tend them with our prayers?

For in the stillness after strife, a whisper we may hear,
A call to mend the broken hearts, to wipe away each tear.
For every child, a future bright, unshadowed by the past,
To build a world where love prevails, where peace is made to last.

When all the bombs have been dropped and all the bullets fired,
May we find in our empty hands the peace we have desired.
And in the ruins, let us build a kingdom here on earth,
Where every soul can find its worth, in love’s eternal birth.

So let us pray, and let us hope, for the day when war shall cease,
When all God’s children dwell as one, in everlasting peace.
And in the light of Christ, our Lord, who conquered death and strife,
May we unite, in hearts made new, to live the Gospel life.

© 2025 -
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