Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Bowing to the Name of Jesus

In the Catholic faith, reverence for the name of Jesus is a long-held tradition, rooted in scripture and emphasised through liturgical practices. 

One of the most visible and significant gestures of this reverence is bowing at the mention of His holy name. 

This practice, though simple, speaks volumes about the depth of love and honour we give to our Lord and Saviour. Understanding why we bow at the name of Jesus, particularly during the Mass, brings us closer to the heart of Catholic worship.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

The Catholic Understanding of the Role of Suffering in Life

Suffering is an inevitable aspect of the human experience, touching every individual in some form or another. 

From physical pain to emotional anguish, the reality of suffering can be difficult to reconcile with our innate desire for happiness and fulfilment. 

Within the framework of Catholic theology, however, suffering is not merely a meaningless or arbitrary occurrence, but rather an integral part of the human journey imbued with profound spiritual significance and purpose.

Friday, 4 October 2024

10 Biblical Characters Who May Have Been Autistic: A Catholic Reflection

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition characterised by differences in communication, social interactions, and behaviour. 

While the Bible predates modern understandings of autism, many biblical figures display traits that could be associated with autism when viewed through a contemporary lens. 

While we cannot diagnose anyone in the Bible, reflecting on these individuals with an understanding of neurodiversity allows us to appreciate how God works through all kinds of people, regardless of their neurological makeup.

In this article, I explore 10 biblical characters who exhibit traits that may resonate with the autistic experience, keeping in mind the Catholic belief that all human beings, neurotypical or neurodivergent, are made in the image and likeness of God.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Is It OK To Listen To Audio Recordings Of The Bible As Opposed To Actually Reading Them From The Bible Itself?

In our modern age of technology and convenience, accessing the Bible has never been easier. 

With the advent of audio recordings and digital platforms, Catholics now have the option to listen to the Word of God being read aloud rather than reading it directly from a printed Bible. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

The Queen of Peace – Asking Us to Pray and Fast

The message of the Queen of Peace, as many Catholics believe, is not just a historical footnote but an ongoing call to a deeper spiritual life. It resonates powerfully in a world where war and conflict still loom large. 

The apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje, beginning in 1981, brought with them urgent requests for prayer, fasting, and conversion—messages that may have influenced global events, including the avoidance of a nuclear war in the 1980s. 

These requests echo those made by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, underlining the importance of turning to God in times of grave danger.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Our Lord Asks Us to Take Up Our Crosses: Would You Rather Carry Someone Else's?

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus famously says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). This is one of the most profound and challenging commands given to us as Christians. 

o follow Christ, we are asked to bear our own crosses, accepting the trials and difficulties of life as part of our spiritual journey. 

But what happens when our cross feels too heavy, too painful, or too unfair? 

Have we ever found ourselves wishing we could trade it for someone else's? And what does it really mean to take up our cross in the first place?

Thursday, 26 September 2024

For Me, Baking Bread Is A Form Of Prayer

Finding moments of serenity and connection with God can sometimes feel challenging. Yet, amidst the demands of daily living, there exists a simple, profound act that invites prayer and reflection for me: baking bread. 

For me, the process of kneading dough, watching it rise, and ultimately pulling a freshly baked loaf from the oven is not merely a culinary endeavour; it is a sacred ritual that brings me closer to God and to my faith.