Friday, 13 September 2024

Some of My Best Friends are Baptists: Building Bridges Through Faith

As a Catholic, I have found that some of my best friends are Baptists

This might seem surprising to some, given the historical and theological differences between our traditions. However, these friendships have taught me valuable lessons about faith, unity, and the essence of Christianity.

This article explores the beauty and challenges of Catholic-Baptist friendships, highlighting the importance of mutual respect, understanding, and the shared goal of following Christ. Through my experiences, 

I hope to encourage others to build bridges across denominational lines and appreciate the diverse expressions of Christian faith.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Prayer for Finding Employment - A Poem

Prayer for Finding Employment

I Prepared The Upper Room For Our Lord's Last Supper - A Poem

I Prepared The Upper Room
For Our Lord's Last Supper - A Poem

The Catholic Faith And... Cooking?

In the bustling kitchens of homes around the world, amidst the clatter of pots and pans and the aroma of simmering spices, lies a connection between the culinary arts and the Catholic faith that might seem surprising at first glance. 

Yet, upon closer inspection, one discovers a rich tapestry of traditions, values, and spiritual insights woven into the act of cooking. 

Friday, 6 September 2024

A Prayer for Employment Amid Challenges

Heavenly Father,

I come before You today with a heart burdened by uncertainty and struggle. 

You know my needs and the desires of my soul, especially as I search for meaningful work. I trust in Your plan for my life, even when the path seems difficult and the doors feel closed.

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Is Going To Mass Just Something You Tick Off Your Weekly To-Do List?

For many Catholics, attending Mass is a weekly obligation, a ritual ingrained in the fabric of their lives. Yet, it’s not uncommon for this sacred practice to become a mere item on a to-do list, something to check off rather than a deeply meaningful experience. 

If Mass feels more like a duty than a spiritual encounter, it might be time to reassess our approach and rekindle our appreciation for this profound act of worship.