Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Bible Apps Or Physical Bibles?

With a smartphone in nearly every pocket, the ability to delve into Scripture at any moment is undoubtedly a blessing. However, this shift from traditional printed Bibles to digital versions raises a question: are Bible apps a suitable replacement for the physical Word of God? 

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of Bible apps versus printed Bibles, considering factors such as accessibility, personal connection, and the spiritual experience.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Why Does People Arriving Late for Mass Get Me So Annoyed?

As Catholics, attending Mass is central to our spiritual lives, a weekly renewal of our faith and a communal celebration of the Eucharist. Yet, there’s a recurring issue that can unsettle even the most devout attendees: people arriving late for Mass. 

This phenomenon can stir a mix of frustration, distraction, and even indignation among those who strive to arrive on time. But why does this behaviour evoke such strong reactions? 

Let’s delve into the reasons behind this annoyance and explore how we can respond with understanding and charity.

Monday, 22 July 2024

If We're Going To Sin Over and Over Again, What's the Point Of Trying Not To?

In the life of every Christian, the struggle against sin is a persistent and often disheartening battle. 

Despite our best efforts and sincere intentions, we find ourselves succumbing to the same temptations repeatedly. 

This raises a profound and troubling question: if we are destined to sin over and over again, what's the point of trying not to? 

By exploring Catholic teachings, the wisdom of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, and insights from contemporary Christian perspectives, we can find meaningful answers to this challenging question.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Didn't You Know That Jesus Had a Sense of Humour? Maybe These Bible Verses Will Convince You Otherwise

Image By Greg Olsen - https://gregolsen.com/
When people think of Jesus, they often envision a solemn figure, deeply spiritual and serious. 

While Jesus certainly embodied wisdom, compassion, and holiness, the idea that He possessed a sense of humour might come as a surprise to some. 

However, a closer look at the Gospels reveals moments where Jesus displayed wit, irony, and a playful spirit. Understanding Jesus' sense of humour can deepen our relationship with Him, showing us a more relatable and human side of the Saviour. 

Here are some Bible verses and anecdotes that illustrate Jesus' sense of humour.

Friday, 19 July 2024

20 of the Greatest Quotes by Jesus: Timeless Wisdom for the Faithful

The teachings of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospels, continue to resonate across time and cultures, offering profound insights into the human condition and the nature of God's love. 

As we journey through the rich tapestry of Jesus' words, we find guidance, solace, and inspiration. 

In this article, we explore 20 of the greatest quotes by Jesus that continue to shape the hearts and minds of the faithful.

Monday, 15 July 2024

Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament

The Old Testament, often seen as a collection of ancient texts that precede the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, holds profound connections to the New Testament and the fulfilment of God's plan through Jesus. 

For Catholics, recognising these connections can deepen their understanding of Scripture and the continuity of God's revelation. 

This article explores how Jesus is foreshadowed and revealed in the Old Testament, highlighting key figures, prophecies, and events that point to the Messiah.

Friday, 12 July 2024

E-Sword: Free Bible Study Software - A Catholic Perspective

Technology offers numerous tools to deepen our faith and understanding of the Scriptures. One such tool is E-Sword, a powerful and user-friendly free Bible study software. 

This article aims to explore E-Sword from a Catholic perspective, highlighting its features, benefits, and how it can enhance your spiritual journey and Bible study experience.