Tuesday, 17 December 2024

A Catholic View: Living Radiating Love, Inspired by Jesus

The image of Jesus, arms outstretched, emanating love, adorns countless Catholic churches. 

But for us, his teachings go beyond stained glass; they're a call to action, a radical blueprint for our lives and the world. 

So, how do we, as Catholics, translate this revolutionary love into daily reality?

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Handel's Messiah: A Catholic Perspective

Handel’s Messiah is one of the most celebrated and enduring works of sacred music in the Western tradition. 

Though composed by George Frideric Handel, a devout Lutheran, this oratorio transcends denominational boundaries and holds a cherished place in the hearts of many Catholics. 

Its profound scriptural basis, sublime music, and deep theological themes make it a powerful spiritual experience, especially during Advent and Easter.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Sharing Different Catholic Traditions for Advent and Christmas

As the season of Advent unfolds, Catholics around the world embark on a journey of spiritual preparation and anticipation, eagerly awaiting the celebration of the birth of Christ at Christmas. 

Rooted in centuries-old traditions and rich in symbolism, the Advent and Christmas seasons offer a tapestry of rituals and customs that reflect the diversity and richness of the Catholic faith. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Our Roman Catholic Church Is Part Of A Family - The Other 23 Catholic Churches

The term "Catholic Church" often conjures images of grand cathedrals, the Vatican, and the Pope in Rome. However, the Catholic Church is much more than just the Roman Catholic Church. 

It is a communion of 24 autonomous churches, each with its own rich traditions, liturgical practices, and theological emphases. 

While the Roman Catholic Church is the largest and most well-known, there are 23 other Catholic churches, collectively known as the Eastern Catholic Churches, that form part of this global family of faith. 

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Listen To Catholic Music 24/7 - 3 Great Stations

Music has a profound ability to touch the human soul, inspire prayer, and lift the heart towards God. 

For Catholics, music plays an essential role in both liturgical worship and personal devotion. 

With the convenience of modern technology, you can now immerse yourself in the beauty of Catholic music around the clock. 

This article reviews these three stations, highlighting their unique offerings, accessibility, and contribution to fostering a deeper connection with the faith through music.

Embracing Contemplative Prayer and Silence in Our Spiritual Lives

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of stillness and silence can seem like a rare luxury. Yet, within the rich tapestry of Catholic spirituality, contemplative prayer and the embrace of silence hold a sacred place as pathways to encountering the presence of God in the depths of our souls.

In this article, we'll explore the ancient practice of contemplative prayer and offer practical guidance on how to cultivate silence in our spiritual lives.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

10 Surprising Facts About The Good Samaritan Parable

The Parable of the Good Samaritan, found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:25-37), is one of the most beloved and well-known stories in the Bible. 

Its message of compassion and neighbourly love transcends religious boundaries and continues to inspire people worldwide. 

However, there are many layers to this parable that are not immediately apparent. 

Here are ten surprising facts about the Good Samaritan parable that can deepen our understanding and appreciation of its profound lessons.