Friday, 7 April 2023

Catholic prayer for Good Friday

Dear Lord,

On this solemn day of Good Friday, we come before you with heavy hearts, mindful of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for our sins. We offer our prayers and our thanksgiving for the love that you have shown us through the death of your Son.

As we meditate on the suffering of Jesus, we are reminded of the depth of your love for us and the extent to which you were willing to go to save us from our sins. Help us to remember that even in the midst of darkness and despair, your light shines bright and your grace is always present.

We pray for all those who are suffering, that they may find comfort and hope in the knowledge of your love. We pray for those who have lost loved ones, that they may be consoled by your peace and your presence.

May the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross be a reminder to us of the power of your love and the depth of your mercy. May it inspire us to live lives of compassion, forgiveness, and service to others.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


Thursday, 6 April 2023

Act of Adoration and Praise After Communion Devotion

O Lord Jesus, sweetest Guest,
mayest Thou have come happily to me,
Thy poor and humble servant.

Mayest Thou have entered in blessing
under this mean and lowly roof.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the highest,
for that Thou hast come into my heart,
Thou Day-spring from on high.

O King of peace,
drive from my heart all vain and idle thoughts,
that my soul may imitate and love Thee only,
the Author of peace.

For what beside Thee, O Thou peace,
Thou calm and sweetness of my heart,
should my soul seek for or desire?


Prayer for Holy Thursday

Dear Lord,

As we gather on this Holy Thursday to remember the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, we are reminded of the depth of your love for us.

 We give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist, through which we are united with Jesus and with one another in a sacred bond of love and communion.

We pray that as we receive the body and blood of Christ, we may be transformed by his love and his grace. 

May the Eucharist be a source of strength and nourishment for our souls, and may it inspire us to live lives of service and sacrifice for others.

On this Holy Thursday, we also remember the example that Jesus set for us in washing the feet of his disciples. 

Help us to imitate his humility and his selflessness, and to be willing to serve others in whatever way we can.

We pray for all those who are hungry or in need, that they may be fed and cared for. 

We pray for all those who are suffering, that they may find comfort and healing in your loving embrace.

May this Holy Thursday be a time of deepening our faith and our commitment to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as we strive to live lives of love and service to others.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


A Prayer For Catholics Around the World

Dear God, we come before you today to pray for all Catholics around the world. 

We ask that you bless them with your love, mercy, and grace. May they be strengthened in their faith and filled with hope and joy as they continue to follow your path.

We pray that you guide our leaders in the Church to lead with wisdom and compassion, and that you protect all those who serve you in the Church. May they be given the strength and courage to carry out their mission and to spread your love and truth to all.

We pray for all those who are struggling in their faith, that you would comfort and strengthen them. We ask that you bring healing to those who have been hurt or wounded by the Church, and that you help us all to forgive and love one another as you have loved us.

Finally, we pray for unity among all Catholics around the world, that we may work together to spread your gospel and bring hope to those who are lost. We ask all of this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 


Birthday Prayers Devotion

God our Father,
the birth of your Son Jesus Christ
brought great joy to Mary and Joseph.
We give thanks to you for [name here] whose birthday we celebrate today.
May he/she ever grow in your faith, hope, and love.
We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Act of Adoration #5

I adore Thee, Lord and creator,
hidden in the Blessed Sacrament.

I adore Thee for all the works of Thy hands,
that reveal to me so much wisdom,
goodness and mercy, O Lord.

Thou hast spread so much beauty over the earth,
and it tells me about Thy beauty, even though these beautiful things are but a faint reflection of Thine Incomprehensible Beauty.

And although Thy hast hidden Thyself
and concealed Thy Beauty,
my eye, enlightened by faith, reaches Thee,
and my soul recognizes its Creator,
its Highest Good;
and my heart is completely immersed in prayer of adoration.


Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Creativity in Prayer

Lord, I long to be in Your presence throughout my day. I long to see You and to love You always. 

Help me to pray to You, in the midst of my activity, so that I may always be in Your company. Jesus, I trust in You.

Often times, our days are filled with activity. Families are often occupied with one event or another. Chores and work can pile up and we may find, at the end of the day, that we have had little time to pray to God in solitude. But solitude and prayer can happen at times throughout our busy day. Though it's important to look for moments when we can be alone with God, giving Him our full attention, we should also look for opportunities to pray, interiorly, in the midst of our busy lives.

Do you find that your life is full of activity? 

Do you find that you are often too busy to get away and pray? 

Though this is not the ideal, it can be remedied by looking for opportunities within your busyness. 

At a school event, while driving, while cooking or cleaning, we always have the opportunity to raise our minds and hearts to God in prayer. 

Remind yourself, this day, that you can pray during most moments of the day. 

Praying continually, this way, may provide the solitude you so desperately need.