Sunday, 2 February 2025

I Was There In The Temple When Those Parents With Their Newborn Came - A Poem

I Was There In The Temple When Those Parents
With Their Newborn Came - A Poem

I was there in the temple, just another solemn day,
Sweeping dust from holy courtyards, keeping noise away.
The air was thick with incense, the lamps a steady glow,
When in there came a couple, moving quiet, moving slow.

I had never seen them here before, a man so firm yet mild,
Beside him walked a woman, young and frail, yet undefiled.
She cradled in her weary arms a child wrapped soft and tight,
And though I knew not who they were, I felt my soul take flight.

They came with their oblation, two small doves within a cage,
A humble gift, a poor man’s gift, as written in the page.
Yet whispers stirred among us all, a rumour strange but bold,
That once these hands held richer gifts - frankincense and gold.

Three kings had come from lands afar to kneel before this child,
Their camels laden down with wealth, their hearts with joy beguiled.
Yet neither gold nor incense rare remained within their store,
They’d given both to God above, and to His lonely poor.

One gift alone was kept aside, its time not yet revealed - 
A box of bitter myrrh, they said, for wounds yet to be healed.
I knew not why, but as I gazed upon the baby’s face,
A shadow flickered in my soul, a sorrow touched with grace.

Then suddenly, old Simeon, with trembling hands outspread,
Took the infant to his heart and blessed the newborn Head.
His voice rang out through sacred halls, as priests and elders turned,
"The Light is here! The Light has come! My soul has what it yearned!"

The mother’s face grew shadowed, though peace still lingered there,
And Anna, aged and watchful, cried out in fervent prayer.
Something great had happened, though none could see it whole,
But deep within my heart, I knew - it stirred my very soul.

I was there in the temple when those parents with their newborn came,
And though they left in silence, I would never be the same.

© 2025 -
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