Saturday, 1 February 2025

I Don’t Have the Courage to Evangelise As I Should… So What Can I Do?

Evangelisation is at the heart of our Catholic faith. Christ’s Great Commission, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19), calls each of us to share the Good News. Yet, for many Catholics, the thought of evangelising can feel daunting, even overwhelming. We may hesitate out of fear of rejection, lack of knowledge, or simply feeling unworthy of the task.

If you find yourself struggling with courage when it comes to evangelisation, you are not alone. The good news is that there are practical steps you can take to grow in confidence and fulfil your calling as a disciple of Christ.

Recognising the Call to Evangelise

Evangelisation is not reserved for priests, religious, or theologians - it is the responsibility of every baptised Christian. St. Pope Paul VI emphasised this in Evangelii Nuntiandi:

"The Church exists in order to evangelise."

To evangelise means to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through words and actions, drawing others into a relationship with Him. This does not mean you must preach on street corners or deliver theological discourses. Evangelisation can be as simple as sharing your faith in daily life, living as a witness to Christ’s love, and pointing others to Him.

Understanding the Barriers

Before exploring what you can do, it’s helpful to identify what might be holding you back. Common barriers to evangelisation include:

  • Fear of Rejection: Worrying about how others might react or fearing judgement can prevent us from speaking up.
  • Feelings of Inadequacy: Believing you don’t know enough or aren’t holy enough to share the faith can create hesitation.
  • Cultural Pressures: Living in a society that often views religion as private or irrelevant can make public faith-sharing intimidating.
  • Lack of Opportunities: Feeling unsure about how or when to bring up faith in conversations can be a significant hurdle.

Understanding these challenges allows us to approach evangelisation with empathy for ourselves and reliance on God’s grace.

What Can You Do? Practical Steps for Evangelisation

1. Start with Prayer

Evangelisation begins with prayer. Before sharing your faith with others, take time to deepen your relationship with God. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, give you courage, and open the hearts of those you encounter. As St. John Paul II said:

"The Holy Spirit is the principal agent of evangelisation."

Pray specifically for those you wish to reach, and ask for opportunities to share the Gospel in ways that feel natural and genuine.

2. Live Your Faith Authentically

One of the most powerful forms of evangelisation is living a life that reflects Christ. Your kindness, integrity, and joy can be a testimony to the transformative power of faith. St. Francis of Assisi famously said:

"Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words."

By striving to live virtuously and modelling Christ-like behaviour, you invite others to see the difference faith makes in your life.

3. Equip Yourself with Knowledge

While you don’t need to have all the answers, being well-formed in your faith can boost your confidence. Spend time reading Scripture, studying Church teachings, and exploring resources like the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This will prepare you to answer questions and address misconceptions when they arise.

Consider joining a Catholic study group or attending talks to deepen your understanding of the faith.

4. Share Your Personal Testimony

Your personal journey with Christ is a unique and powerful tool for evangelisation. People are often moved by authentic stories of faith. Reflect on how God has worked in your life—how has He answered prayers, guided you, or transformed you?

Sharing your testimony does not require eloquence, only sincerity. Speak from the heart and let God work through your words.

5. Evangelise Through Small Acts

Not all evangelisation involves lengthy conversations or grand gestures. Simple acts of kindness and thoughtfulness can plant seeds of faith. Examples include:

  • Inviting someone to attend Mass or a parish event with you.
  • Offering to pray for a friend going through a difficult time.
  • Sharing a favourite Catholic book, podcast, or video.
  • Wearing a crucifix or religious medal as a subtle witness to your faith.

These small actions can open the door to deeper conversations and encounters with Christ.

6. Listen Before You Speak

Effective evangelisation often involves listening as much as talking. Take time to understand the questions, struggles, and beliefs of those you encounter. When you listen with compassion and respect, you create a space for genuine dialogue.

Remember, evangelisation is not about winning arguments but about leading others to the truth with love.

7. Rely on God’s Strength

It’s natural to feel nervous or inadequate when it comes to evangelisation. However, remember that the work of conversion is God’s, not yours. Your role is to be faithful and plant seeds; the Holy Spirit does the rest.

As 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us:

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Trust in God’s ability to work through your efforts, no matter how small or imperfect they may seem.

Finding Courage in the Example of the Saints

The saints offer us inspiring examples of evangelisation, often in the face of great obstacles. Consider St. Thérèse of Lisieux, who never left her Carmelite convent yet became a patroness of missionaries through her prayers and sacrifices. Or St. Francis Xavier, who travelled to distant lands to share the Gospel with thousands.

These saints remind us that evangelisation takes many forms and that courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to act despite it.

When Courage Falters: Turning to Christ

Even with the best intentions, there will be times when fear or hesitation holds you back. In these moments, turn to Christ for encouragement. The Gospels are filled with examples of Jesus empowering His disciples despite their weaknesses.

One such moment occurs after the Resurrection when Peter, who had denied Jesus three times, is given a chance to reaffirm his love. Jesus asks, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" and entrusts Peter with the care of His flock (John 21:15–17).

If Christ could entrust the keys of His Church to a man who faltered, He can surely work through you.

Encouragement from Scripture

The Bible is a treasure trove of encouragement for those struggling to evangelise. Reflect on these verses for inspiration:

  • "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline" (2 Timothy 1:7).
  • "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" (Exodus 14:14).
  • "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15).


Evangelisation is a journey of love—love for God and love for neighbour. While it may feel intimidating, remember that you are never alone. The Holy Spirit is your guide, and Christ Himself walks with you every step of the way.

Start small, pray often, and trust that God will use your efforts, no matter how modest. Over time, your courage will grow, and you may be surprised by the opportunities He places in your path.

As St. Teresa of Calcutta wisely said:

"God does not require that we be successful, only that we be faithful."

Be faithful in sharing His love, and trust that He will bring forth the fruit.