Monday 17 June 2024

Made Redundant At An Older Age: Job Hunting and My Catholic Faith

Last year, my life took an unexpected turn. After decades of unwavering dedication and service, I was made redundant from my job. 

It was a shock to the system, a jarring halt to a routine I had known for so long. 

Suddenly, I found myself in unfamiliar territory—navigating the job market at an older age. 

The experience has been challenging, but my Catholic faith has provided me with the strength and guidance needed to persevere.

The Initial Shock of Redundancy

Redundancy is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many. For those who have spent their lives building careers and dedicating themselves to their work, it can feel like a betrayal. 

When I was told that my position was being eliminated, my immediate reaction was a mix of disbelief and panic.

Questions swirled in my mind:

How would I help to provide a household income?  

Who would hire someone of my age? 

What was I supposed to do next?

As the initial shock wore off, I turned to prayer. I've sought solace in my faith, trusting that God had a plan for me even if I can't see it at the moment. 

The support of my parish community and the teachings of the Church has become my anchor during these turbulent days.

The Struggle of Job Hunting at an Older Age

Job hunting at any age can be a daunting task, but it comes with its own set of unique challenges for older adults. Ageism in the workplace is a real issue, and many employers have preconceived notions about hiring older workers. They may assume that we are less adaptable, not as tech-savvy, or simply not worth the investment... even though some of us older folk has been using tech for many decades.

Despite these obstacles, I've approached the job search with determination and a positive mindset. 

I've updated my CV, highlighting my extensive experience and the skills I had acquired over the years. I also make an effort to constantly update my tech skills to stay competitive in the job market.

However, I've quickly realised that finding a full-time position is going to be more difficult than I had anticipated. 

Many employers seemed reluctant to hire someone my age for a permanent role. I've decided to expand my search to include part-time work, hoping to at least stay active in the workforce and bring in some income.

The Emotional Toll

The emotional toll of job hunting, especially after redundancy, cannot be understated. Rejection letters and unreturned applications can chip away at one's self-esteem and confidence. I often found myself questioning my worth and feeling disheartened by the lack of opportunities.

During these low moments, as well as during my very deep and darkest moments, my Catholic faith was a source of comfort and strength. I reminded myself of God's love and that my worth was not defined by my job or my income. 

Regular prayer and participation in Mass helped me stay grounded and maintain a sense of purpose. I also sought guidance from the scriptures, finding inspiration in passages that spoke of perseverance, hope, and trust in God's plan.

Faith in Action: Applying Catholic Teachings to Job Hunting

The teachings of the Catholic Church emphasise the dignity of work and the importance of contributing to society. They also remind us of the need for patience, humility, and trust in God's providence. These principles guided me as I navigated the job market.

Dignity of Work

The concept of the dignity of work taught me to value every job opportunity, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Whether it's a part-time position or a temporary role, I approach each opportunity with the same level of dedication and respect. This mindset not only helps me stay positive but also demonstrates to potential employers that I am serious about contributing meaningfully to their organisations.

Patience and Humility

Job hunting is a process that requires patience and humility. I have learned to accept that the perfect job might not come along immediately and that I might have to face several rejections before finding the right fit. Humility allows me to recognise areas where I needed improvement and to seek help when necessary. It also helps me remain open to opportunities that I might have otherwise dismissed.

Trust in God's Providence

Trusting in God's providence is perhaps the most challenging but ultimately the most rewarding aspect of my job search.

There are times when I felt overwhelmed by uncertainty and fear, but I continually remind myself that God has a plan for each of us. This trust gives me the courage to keep applying for jobs, attend interviews, and remain hopeful even when things seemed bleak.

The Importance of Support Systems

One of the key lessons I learned during this journey is the importance of having a strong support system. My family, friends, and parish community are instrumental in helping me stay motivated and hopeful. Their prayers, encouragement, and practical advice were invaluable.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I encourage you to reach out to your own support network. Don't be afraid to ask for help or to share your struggles with others. Often, people are more than willing to lend a hand or offer a kind word.

Moving Forward with Faith

As I continue to navigate this new chapter of my life, I do so with a renewed sense of faith and purpose. Being made redundant was a difficult experience, but it also provided an opportunity for growth and reflection. 

My Catholic faith is my anchor, guiding me through these challenging times and directing me towards new opportunities.

I have learned to embrace change and to trust in God's plan, even when it is not immediately clear. I have also discovered the importance of staying connected to my community and of valuing every opportunity to contribute, no matter how small.


Redundancy at an older age can be a daunting and emotionally taxing experience. However, it is also an opportunity for growth, reinvention, and deepening one's faith. By leaning on my Catholic faith, I have been able to navigate the challenges of job hunting and hopefully, and eventually find new opportunities that align with my values and skills.

If you are facing a similar situation, remember that you are not alone. Trust in God's plan, stay connected to your community, and approach each new opportunity with patience and humility. 

With faith and perseverance, you can overcome the challenges and find a renewed sense of purpose and fulfilment.