Friday 24 May 2024

It's Difficult to Find Employment When You're Older... What Can a Catholic Do to Make This Process Easier?

Finding employment can be challenging at any stage of life, but it often becomes particularly difficult as we grow older. 

Age discrimination, evolving skill requirements, and changing workplace dynamics can make the job search feel daunting. 

However, as Catholics, we can draw on our faith, community, and practical strategies to navigate this process with hope and perseverance. Here are several ways to make the journey to employment easier when you're older.

Embrace Faith and Trust in God

First and foremost, turning to our faith is essential. Trust in God’s plan and His timing can provide immense comfort and strength during the job search. Regular prayer, attending Mass, and participating in the Sacraments can help maintain a positive outlook. 

Reflect on Scripture passages that emphasise God's care and provision, such as Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus reminds us not to worry about our needs because God knows and provides for them.

Seek Guidance from the Holy Spirit

Before making decisions or taking steps in your job search, seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. Pray for wisdom and clarity to discern the right opportunities and paths. The Holy Spirit can provide insight into where your skills are most needed and how best to present them to potential employers. Regularly ask for the Spirit’s assistance in your daily prayers.

Leverage Your Experience

One of the advantages of being older is the wealth of experience and skills you have accumulated over the years. Make sure to highlight this in your CV and during interviews. Focus on your accomplishments, leadership roles, and problem-solving abilities. 

Tailor your CV to showcase how your experience is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Employers value experience that can translate into immediate contributions to their organisation.

Update Your Skills

The job market is continually evolving, and keeping your skills up-to-date is crucial. Consider taking courses to enhance your qualifications. Many online platforms offer free or affordable courses in a variety of fields. 

Stay current with technology and industry trends. By demonstrating a willingness to learn and adapt, you can show potential employers that you are capable of thriving in a modern work environment.

Network Within Your Community

Networking is a powerful tool in any job search. Leverage your connections within the Catholic community. Attend parish events, join church groups, and engage in community activities. Let people know you are looking for work; someone might have a lead or be able to offer advice. 

The Catholic community can provide support, encouragement, and practical help during your job search.


Volunteering can be an excellent way to stay active, gain new skills, and expand your network. It also allows you to serve others and contribute to the community, which can be deeply fulfilling. 

Many organisations value the commitment and reliability that older volunteers often bring. Volunteering can also lead to job opportunities, as it allows potential employers to see your work ethic and skills firsthand.

Seek Professional Advice

Consider seeking professional advice from career counsellors or employment agencies. They can offer guidance on crafting a compelling CV, improving interview skills, and finding job opportunities suited to your skills and experience. Some agencies specialise in helping older workers re-enter the workforce. Their expertise can be invaluable in navigating the job market.

Stay Positive and Persistent

The job search can be a long and sometimes discouraging process. Maintaining a positive attitude and being persistent are crucial. 

Remember that rejection is a normal part of the process and not a reflection of your worth. Each application and interview is an opportunity to learn and improve. 

Celebrate small victories along the way, and keep faith that the right opportunity will come.

Cultivate a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is important. 

Create or update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your skills, experience, and professional interests. Connect with former colleagues, industry professionals, and potential employers. Engage with content related to your field, and consider writing articles or sharing insights. 

A well-maintained LinkedIn profile can attract job opportunities and expand your professional network.

Join Support Groups

There are many support groups, both online and offline, that cater to older job seekers. These groups can provide a sense of community, share job leads, and offer support and advice. 

Being part of a group of people facing similar challenges can be encouraging and motivating. Look for groups within your local community or online platforms that focus on your industry or interests.

Reflect on Your Vocation

As Catholics, we understand work as part of our vocation, a way to serve God and others. Reflecting on your vocation can bring a deeper sense of purpose to your job search. Consider how your skills and experience can be used to serve the greater good. This perspective can transform the job search from a stressful necessity to a meaningful journey.

Balance Work and Rest

While it’s important to be diligent in your job search, it’s equally important to rest and take care of yourself. Balancing work and rest prevents burnout and maintains your overall well-being. Make time for activities you enjoy, spend time with loved ones, and nourish your spiritual life. A well-balanced life will make you more resilient and effective in your job search.

Pray for Patience and Perseverance

Finally, pray for patience and perseverance. The process of finding a new job can be slow and challenging, especially when facing age-related barriers. Trust that God is with you every step of the way, and that His plans for you are good. With patience, perseverance, and faith, you can navigate the job search process with grace and hope.


While finding employment as an older adult can be challenging, there are numerous strategies that can make the process easier. By leveraging your experience, updating your skills, networking within your community, and drawing on your faith, you can approach the job search with confidence and hope. 

Remember, God is with you in this journey, guiding and sustaining you every step of the way.

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