Tuesday 12 March 2024

I've Struggled During This Lent... Have You?

As we journey through the sacred season of Lent, a period of reflection, repentance, and preparation leading up to Easter, it's not uncommon to find ourselves facing unexpected challenges and wrestling with our own shortcomings. 

Lent calls us to a deeper level of spiritual introspection, urging us to confront our weaknesses, foster self-discipline, and draw closer to God. 

In this article, we'll explore the shared experiences of struggle during Lent, acknowledging that we are not alone in facing the trials and tribulations that accompany this transformative season.

Embracing Imperfection:

Lent is a time for self-examination and personal growth, but it's essential to acknowledge that perfection is not the goal. 

As we grapple with our shortcomings and sins, it's crucial to remember that the journey is as significant as the destination.

Embracing imperfection allows us to approach Lent with humility, recognizing that the process of striving for holiness is a lifelong endeavour.

The Temptation to Abandon Resolutions:

Many of us begin Lent with fervent resolutions – promises to pray more, fast, and engage in acts of charity. 

However, as the days pass, the initial enthusiasm may wane, and the temptation to abandon these commitments can become overpowering. 

It's essential to acknowledge these struggles openly, seeking support from our faith community and recommitting ourselves to the Lenten disciplines that draw us nearer to God.

Balancing Spiritual and Everyday Life:

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be challenging to strike a balance between our spiritual obligations and the demands of our routine. 

The pressure to meet work deadlines, fulfil family responsibilities, and maintain social commitments may lead to neglecting our Lenten practices. 

Acknowledging this tension and finding practical ways to integrate spirituality into our daily lives can help us stay connected to the essence of Lent.

Battling Spiritual Dryness:

During Lent, some may encounter periods of spiritual dryness – a feeling of distance from God and a lack of enthusiasm for prayer and contemplation. 

This struggle is not uncommon, and it's essential to recognize it as an opportunity for deeper spiritual growth. 

Seeking guidance from spiritual mentors, exploring new forms of prayer, or revisiting cherished spiritual practices can help overcome these moments of desolation.

Facing the Challenge of Forgiveness:

Lent invites us to reflect on the importance of forgiveness – both seeking it from others and extending it ourselves. Yet, forgiving those who have wronged us can be an arduous task. It requires us to confront feelings of hurt and anger, making the journey toward reconciliation a formidable one. 

This Lenten struggle highlights the need for prayer, patience, and a reliance on God's grace to soften our hearts and foster healing.

Navigating the Pitfalls of Comparison:

In the age of social media, it's easy to compare our Lenten experiences with those shared by others online. 

The danger lies in feeling inadequate or discouraged if our Lenten journey doesn't align with the seemingly perfect and curated experiences of others. 

Remembering that each person's spiritual journey is unique and personal can help us avoid the pitfalls of comparison and focus on our individual growth.

Seeking God's Mercy:

The Lenten season reminds us of the profound mercy of God, inviting us to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. 

However, some may struggle with feelings of unworthiness, doubting whether they deserve God's mercy. 

This internal conflict can hinder our ability to fully embrace the transformative power of God's love. Remembering that God's mercy is boundless and offered to all who seek it can provide solace and encouragement.

Rediscovering the Joy of Lent:

Amidst the struggles and challenges, it's crucial to rediscover the joy inherent in the Lenten season. 

Joy is not synonymous with the absence of difficulties but rather a profound sense of gratitude for God's love and the opportunity for spiritual growth. 

Engaging in acts of kindness, fostering a spirit of gratitude, and reflecting on the joy of Easter that awaits can rekindle the joy of Lent within our hearts.


As we navigate the complexities of Lent, it's essential to embrace the struggles and challenges as integral parts of our spiritual journey. 

The acknowledgement of our imperfections, coupled with a commitment to persevere, allows us to experience the transformative power of Lent more fully. 

In sharing our struggles openly, we cultivate a sense of community, recognizing that we are not alone in our quest for spiritual growth. May this Lenten season be a time of authentic reflection, growth, and renewal, drawing us closer to the heart of God.