Tuesday 2 May 2023

Great Tips For Returning to The Catholic Faith

Returning to attending Catholic mass can be an overwhelming experience, particularly if you have not been for a while. 

Many people who have stopped attending mass often feel guilty, ashamed or unsure of how to return. 

However, it is important to understand that Catholic mass is open to anyone and everyone regardless of their situation. 

Here are some helpful tips for returning to attending Catholic mass:

1. Set a schedule: Determine the date and time that works best for your schedule, and make a commitment to attend mass every week. This will help you to develop a consistent routine and make attending mass a habit.

2. Confession: If you have been away from the Church for an extended period or have lost touch with your faith, it may be helpful to go to confession beforehand. It can help alleviate any feelings of guilt or shame and provide an opportunity to receive God's mercy and forgiveness.

3. Seek out support: Surround yourself with friends, family, and fellow parishioners who can offer support and encouragement as you return to mass. This can make the experience less intimidating and help you feel more comfortable attending.

4. Take it slow: It is important to recognize that getting back into the swing of attending mass regularly can take some time. Start by attending mass once a week and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

5. Reflect on why you are coming back: Take some time to reflect on why you are returning to mass. Is it because you want to grow closer to God, receive the Eucharist, or be part of a community? Understanding your motivations can help you to feel more connected to the Church.

6. Read up on the mass: Read the Order of the Mass or familiarize yourself with the liturgy. This can help you to understand the meaning behind the various components of the mass and make the experience more meaningful.

7. Participate actively: When attending mass, it's essential to be fully present and participate actively in the service. Sing along with the hymns, listen to the readings and Gospel, and take part in the responses and prayers.

8. Don't give up: It is natural to have ups and downs when returning to Catholic mass. Don't give up if it feels challenging at first. With time and commitment, attending mass regularly can become a fulfilling and uplifting experience.

Returning to attending Catholic mass after an extended period can be a difficult but rewarding experience. 

By setting a schedule, seeking support, taking it slow, and participating actively, you can restore your connection with the Church and feel closer to God. 

Remember, everyone's faith journey is unique, and it's never too late to return to the Church.

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