Wednesday, 13 November 2024

10 Surprising Facts About The Good Samaritan Parable

The Parable of the Good Samaritan, found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:25-37), is one of the most beloved and well-known stories in the Bible. 

Its message of compassion and neighbourly love transcends religious boundaries and continues to inspire people worldwide. 

However, there are many layers to this parable that are not immediately apparent. 

Here are ten surprising facts about the Good Samaritan parable that can deepen our understanding and appreciation of its profound lessons.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

While Jesus Stayed on Earth for 40 Days After His Resurrection, Why Didn't He Appear to the Pharisees and the Romans?

After his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days on earth, appearing to his disciples and followers and preparing them for the mission of spreading the Gospel. 

Curiously, during this period, he did not appear to those who had opposed him most fiercely: the Pharisees, who had orchestrated his death, and the Roman officials, who had authorized his crucifixion. 

For many, this is a perplexing detail—why would Jesus not reveal himself to those who doubted or opposed him, those who most needed to see the truth of his resurrection?

This question invites us to consider the very nature of Jesus’ mission, the purpose of his post-resurrection appearances, and the deep spiritual truth about faith and free will. 

By reflecting on these aspects, we can gain a richer understanding of how Jesus’ approach to his enemies reflects God’s desire for authentic belief, transformation, and a response rooted in love rather than fear.

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Highlighting the Importance of Catholic Community Service

Service to others lies at the heart of the Catholic faith, reflecting the example and teachings of Jesus Christ himself. 

Throughout his ministry, Jesus modelled a life of selfless love and compassion, reaching out to the marginalized, the sick, and the oppressed. 

Inspired by his example, Catholics around the world are called to follow in his footsteps, engaging in acts of charity, justice, and mercy to build a more just and compassionate society. 

In this article, we'll explore the importance of Catholic community service and its impact on individuals, communities, and the world at large.

Saturday, 2 November 2024

All Souls Day - Pray For Those As You Would Want Others To Pray For You

All Souls Day, observed on the 2nd of November, is a day of reflection and prayer in the Catholic Church. 

Dedicated to the souls in Purgatory, it stands as a solemn reminder of our shared mortality and the journey of the soul after death. 

All Souls Day complements All Saints Day, celebrated the day before, but while All Saints honours those already in Heaven, All Souls Day focuses on those who have yet to reach their heavenly rest.

The essence of All Souls Day is captured in the Golden Rule – pray for others as you would want others to pray for you

Just as we hope for prayers that guide our souls into the presence of God, so too should we pray for those who have passed before us, aiding them on their final journey to Heaven. 

This powerful day of remembrance is a call to unity, connecting the living with the dead and highlighting the importance of intercessory prayer for those who can no longer pray for themselves.

Friday, 1 November 2024

All Saints Day - Pray For Them... And 10 Saints You May Not Have Heard Of To Inspire Our Prayers

All Saints Day is a profound celebration within the Catholic Church, commemorating all saints, known and unknown, who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. 

This special day, observed annually on 1st November, invites Catholics to reflect on the lives of those who exemplified faith and virtue. 

But beyond mere commemoration, All Saints Day is a call to prayer – a call to ask the saints to intercede for us, guiding us closer to God and inspiring us to live lives that reflect our faith more deeply.

In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to feel that sainthood is a distant, unattainable ideal. 

Saints are not figures confined to pages in ancient texts or the solemnity of stained-glass windows; they were people like us, grappling with weaknesses, doubts, and worldly struggles. 

The saints prayed fervently, loved profoundly, and, above all, devoted themselves entirely to the will of God. And though we often recall familiar names like Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, and Saint Teresa of Calcutta, the ranks of saints are filled with thousands who are lesser-known, yet powerful examples of God’s grace at work.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

It's All Hallows' Eve

The evening of October 31st, known by many as Halloween, is a date woven into the fabric of secular culture. 

Costumes, sweets, and horror stories abound. But to the Catholic faithful, this day carries a deeper and more solemn meaning. 

We call it All Hallows' Eve, the vigil of a sacred feast that ushers in All Saints’ Day on November 1st and All Souls’ Day on November 2nd. Together, these days form what we call Hallowtide, a time for us to turn our gaze towards Heaven, remember the holy ones who have gone before us, and pray fervently for the faithful departed.

Far from being a night of mischief and ghoulish festivities, All Hallows' Eve offers an invitation to reflect on the profound mysteries of life, death, and eternity. 

To understand its meaning, we must look back at the origins of the day, and through this lens, see how our faith transforms what appears dark or morbid into hope and communion with Christ.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

So Jesus Was A Humble Carpenter... Well... Maybe Not...

Within the intricate weave of historical and religious narratives, Jesus Christ occupies a central and enigmatic role. 

His life, teachings, and the accounts of his deeds have been scrutinized, analyzed, and revered for centuries.